A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 990 unique children.



A data.frame with 990 rows and 83 variables:

ctrcdchrCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
cohortchrCohort name
cohortnchrCohort number
subjidintChild number
agedaysintAge (days)
sexchrEither "male" or "female"
gagebrthintGestational age (days)
by3cgd0250/1Searches for fallen object
by3cgd0260/1Bell Series: Manipulates
by3cgd0270/1Picks Up Block Series: Reaches for second block
by3cgd0280/1Pulls cloth to obtain object
by3cgd0290/1Pulls string adaptively
by3cgd0300/1Retains both blocks
by3cgd0310/1Bell Series: Rings purposely
by3cgd0320/1Looks at pictures
by3cgd0330/1Picks Up Block Series: Retains 2 of 3 blocks
by3cgd0340/1Searches for missing objects
by3cgd0350/1Takes blocks out of cup
by3cgd0360/1Block Series: 1 Block
by3cgd0370/1Picks up Block Series: 3 blocks
by3cgd0380/1Explores holes in pegboard
by3cgd0390/1Pushes car
by3cgd0400/1Finds hidden object
by3cgd0410/1Suspends ring
by3cgd0420/1Removes pellet
by3cgd0430/1Clear Box: Front
by3cgd0440/1Squeezes object
by3cgd0450/1Finds hidden object (Reversed)
by3cgd0460/1Removes lid from bottle
by3cgd0470/1Pegboard Series: 2 holes
by3cgd0480/1Relational Play Series: Self
by3cgd0490/1Pink Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd0500/1Finds hidden object (Visible Displacement)
by3cgd0510/1Blue Board Series: 1 piece
by3cgd0520/1Clear Box: Sides
by3cgd0530/1Relational Play Series: Others
by3cgd0540/1Block Series: 9 Blocks
by3cgd0550/1Pegboard Series: 6 Pegs
by3cgd0560/1Pink Board Series: Completes
by3cgd0570/1Uses pencil to obtain object
by3cgd0580/1Blue Board Series: 4 Pieces
by3cgd0590/1Attends to story
by3cgd0600/1Rotated pink board
by3cgd0610/1Object assembly (Ball)
by3cgd0620/1Completes Pegboard: 25 Seconds
by3cgd0630/1Object assembly (Ice Cream Cone)
by3cgd0640/1Matches pictures
by3cgd0650/1Representational play
by3cgd0660/1Blue Board Series: Completes (75 seconds)
by3cgd0670/1Imitates a two-step action.
by3cgd0680/1Matches 3 colors
by3cgd0690/1Imaginary play
by3cgd0700/1Understands concept of one
by3cgd0710/1Multischeme combination play
by3cgd0720/1Concept Grouping: colour
by3cgd0730/1Concept Grouping: Size
by3fmd0190/1Transfers ring
by3fmd0200/1Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp
by3fmd0210/1Transfers block
by3fmd0220/1Block Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd0230/1Brings spoons or blocks to midline
by3fmd0240/1Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition
by3fmd0250/1Lifts cup by the handle
by3fmd0260/1Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp
by3fmd0270/1Turns pages of books
by3fmd0280/1Grasp series: Palmar grasp
by3fmd0290/1Isolates extended ring finger
by3fmd0300/1Scribbles spontaneously
by3fmd0310/1Block Stacking Series: 2 blocks
by3fmd0320/1Imitates Stroke Series: Random
by3fmd0330/1Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds)
by3fmd0340/1Grasp series: Transitional grasp
by3fmd0350/1Coins in slot
by3fmd0360/1Connecting Blocks: Apart
by3fmd0370/1Grasp Series: Intermediate (Tripod) grasp
by3fmd0380/1Block stacking Series: 6 blocks
by3fmd0390/1Uses hand to hold paper in place
by3fmd0400/1Imitates Strokes Series: Horizontal
by3fmd0410/1Imitates Strokes Series: Vertical
by3fmd0420/1Connecting Blocks: Together
by3fmd0430/1Imitates Strokes Series: Circular
by3fmd0440/1Builds train of blocks
by3fmd0450/1Strings 3 blocks


Instruments: Bayley III (by3)


Lozoff B, Jiang Y, Li X, Zhou M, Richards B, Xu G, Clark KM, Liang F, Kaciroti N, Zhao G. Low-dose iron supplementation in infancy modestly increases infant iron status at 9 mo without decreasing growth or increasing illness in a randomized clinical trial in rural China. The Journal of nutrition. 2016;146:612-621.