Read sf data
adm = c("fixed", "adaptive"),
onedrive = Sys.getenv("ONEDRIVE_GSED"),
path = "GSED Final Collated Phase 1 Data Files 18_05_22",
verbose = FALSE,
progress = FALSE,
warnings = FALSE
- adm
Character, either "fixed" or "adaptive" administration type
- onedrive
Character, the location of the local OneDrive sync
- path
Character, path name within the OneDrive
- verbose
Logical. Print diagnostic info? Defaults to `FALSE`.
- progress
Logical. Show progress in interactive session. Default to `FALSE`.
- warnings
Logical. Show warnings generated by `readr::read_csv()`. Defaults to `FALSE`.
A tibble with the original data and two column names: `file` (containing the original file name) and `adm` (fixed or adaptive). If `adm == "fixed"` a tibble with 159 columns, with one test administration per row. If `adm == "adaptive"`, a tibble with 14 columns, with one item administration per row.