2.1 Overview of cohorts and instruments

The Global Child Development Group (GCDG) collected longitudinal data from 16 cohorts. The objective of the study was to develop a population-based measure to monitor early child development across ages and countries. The requirements for inclusion were

  1. direct assessment of child development;
  2. availability of individual milestone scores;
  3. spanning ages between 0-5 years;
  4. availability of follow-up measures, at ages 5-10 years.

The effort resulted in a database containing individual data from over 16,000 children from 11 countries. The world map below (Figure: 2.1) colors the countries included in the study. Section 2.2 briefly describes each cohort. Section 2.3 reviews the measurement instruments.

Coverage of countries included in the study.

Figure 2.1: Coverage of countries included in the study.

The GCDG data comprises of birth cohorts, impact evaluation studies and instrument evaluation studies. Table 2.1 displays a brief overview of the instruments used in each sub-study.

Table 2.1: Overview of instruments administered in the cohorts.
Cohort by den gri bat vin ddi bar tep asq sbi
Bangladesh x
Brazil 1 x
Brazil 2 x
Chile 1 x
Chile 2 x x
China x
Colombia 1 x
Colombia 2 x x x x
Ecuador x
Ethiopia x
Jamaica 1 x
Jamaica 2 x
Madagascar x
Netherlands1 x
Netherlands2 x
South Africa x x x