A key contains the item difficulty estimates from a given Rasch model. The difficulty estimates (tau) are used to calculate D-scores. D-scores can only be compared when calculated with the same key.



builtin_keys is a data.frame with variables:

keyString. Name of the key indicating the Rasch model
base_populationString. Name of the base population for the key
n_itemsNumber of items in the key
n_instrumentsNumber of instruments in the key
interceptIntercept to convert logit into D-score
slopeSlope to convert logit into D-score
fromStarting value of the quadrature points
toStopping value of the quadrature points
byIncrement of the quadrature points
retiredHas the key been retired?


20240609 SvB: Added builtin_keys table by data-raw\data\R\save_builtin_keys.R