A data frame with administrative information per item. Includes only items that are part of a Rasch model. See builtin_itemtable for an overview of all currently defined items.



A data.frame with variables:

keyString indicating a specific Rasch model (the key)
itemItem name, gsed lexicon
tauDifficulty estimate
labelLabel (English)
instrumentInstrument code
domainDomain code
modeAdministration mode
numberItem number


In general, one can only compare D-score calculated with the same key. The current recommendation for new projects is to choose key gsed2212.


Last update:

  • Dec 01, 2022 - Overwrite labels of gto by correct item order.

  • Dec 05, 2022 - Adds key gsed2212, adding instruments gl1 and gs1, and defining correct order for gto

  • Jan 05, 2023 - Adds instrument gh1 to key gsed2212


#>        key      item  tau
#> 1 gsed2212 gs1sec001 1.10
#> 2 gsed2212 gs1moc002 3.22
#> 3 gsed2212 gs1sec003 3.60
#> 4 gsed2212 gs1lgc004 4.57
#> 5 gsed2212 gs1moc005 5.77
#> 6 gsed2212 gs1cgc006 6.90
#>                                                                         label
#> 1                                                      Does your child smile?
#> 2     When lying on his/her back, does your child move his/her arms and legs?
#> 3                Does your child look at your face when you speak to him/her?
#> 4 Does your child cry when he/she is hungry, wet, tired, or wants to be held?
#> 5                    Does your child grasp your finger if you touch her hand?
#> 6           Does your child look at and focus on objects in front of him/her?
#>   instrument domain mode number
#> 1        gs1     se    c    001
#> 2        gs1     mo    c    002
#> 3        gs1     se    c    003
#> 4        gs1     lg    c    004
#> 5        gs1     mo    c    005
#> 6        gs1     cg    c    006